
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thrifty is Nifty! or "How to draw attention to yourself at Goodwill."

 Some of my girlfriends and I have decided that we’d like to be Amish, kind of. We like our iPhones and cute shoes and I’m all about electricity but, dang it, we’re going to Goodwill! We’re going to be thrifty!

Kellie called me up tonight and was all, “Hey! I’m gettin’ my Amish on! Can you meet me?” I was just cleaning up after dinner and was getting ready to put my daughter in the bathtub so I said, “I can’t tonight I have to *fill in 5 excuses.*” My husband looked at me and said, “What do you want to do? Go! I got it covered.” 
Ooo! I love it when he does that!

So, I grab my purse and head to Goodwill to meet my Amish friend.
When I arrive, I see her standing there with her horse and buggy (read: blue shopping cart) and she immediately holds up a light pink Banana Republic shirt and says, “This is perfect for you! And if you don’t like it then it’s perfect for me. It’s $3.”

I fasten my bonnet and we get to work.

I have to tell you, if you’re not a thrift store shopper, just do it for the ab workout. I wasn’t in there 10 minutes and we were laughing so hard I was pretty sure I was either going to (a) be kicked out of the store or (b) pee my pants. Or (a) because of (b.)
We saw everything from shoulder pads to mom jeans and the coveted Ugly Christmas Sweater. Oh yes. I found the Grand Poobah of ridiculous Christmas garment catastrophe. And I bought it. Behold…


We’re throwing an UCS party for our MOMS group. This is my $4 treasure. My husband would also like to wear it on Christmas Eve. 
See how thrifty?

But I did actually find a super cutie cute knit dress that will look fantastic with leggings and boots for $6. It was right next to a garbage bag with rhinestones and velour trim.
As I was pawing through another rack, I heard a voice behind me say, “Finding anything good in there?” Yay! It was Renee! Bargain and thrift store shopper extraordinaire. Renee makes the rounds every week. 
She admits addiction. 
We forgive her.

In the end, I spent $10 for a great little dress, a heinous Christmas sweater and sore abdominal muscles.

Kellie spent $24 on a buggy full of fun stuff including the perfect-for-me pink Banana Republic shirt.

I urge you, ladies, to grab your girls, head to the nearest thrift store and laugh until you cry. I came home in the best mood, which put my husband in a good mood, which made the whole house happy. 
See how that works?

I love the Amish.

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